Toning Your Body with the Efitment Squat Row Machine
Welcome to the wonderful world of the Efitment Squat Row Machine. This machine jumpstarted my road to toning my body. It is a full-body, low-impact machine. It is perfect for someone that wants to get in shape from the comfort of your own home.
The Benefits:
I have been using this machine for 2 years, and I can still see the results. This machine literally targets every muscle in your body as you use your body weight to pull yourself up from a squat position.
You can change your grip and foot positioning to work different muscle groups too. If you keep your core tight as you are squatting and rowing, you will see a drastic change in your upper abdominal and stomach muscles. If you move your heels up and push with your heels, your hamstrings and glutes will really feel it.
What I love most is this machine also has resistance controls. You can set the level of difficulty from levels 1–12. Some days when I am not feeling up to getting on my Efitment, I will lower the resistance level until I start getting into the workout.
You will also see results in your biceps, triceps, upper back, upper abdomen, stomach, and quad muscles. I promise if you stick with it, and combine it with good nutrition habits, it will kickstart your toning/weight loss process.
How to Efitment:
The company recommends 20 minutes a day on your Efitment machine starting on resistance level 1. I use my Efitment machine for 30 minutes a day Monday through Friday. I take Saturdays and Sundays off to rest my body completely.
I also take a week off every few months to give my body a rest and reset period. It took me about 6 months when I first started to take a rest break because I didn’t want to loose my momentum, but it is important to allow your muscles time to recuperate and repair.
Try not to take rest breaks as much as possible. Go a little slower, lower the resistance level, or change hand or feet placement to push through the 30 minute workout.
Start on resistance level 1 and work your way up. The resistance levels go all the way up to level 12. You will know when it is time to go up a level when your workouts start becoming too easy. If you are completing more reps in less time, it is time to level up.
Where to Buy an Efitment:
I bought mine on Amazon. Here is the link to the exact machine pictured in this blog. It is the best $120 you will spend, and it is easy to assemble. I have had my Efitment for 2 years now, and I am still on the same batteries it came with.